Подсветка синтаксиса PHP

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Подсветка синтаксиса PHP

2018-12-11 19:53:09
<? # Language number: Only really used in Ultraedit. [DOOMED] $lang_num = 0; # Language name. $lang_name = ""; # Language configuration hashtable. $config = array(); $color = 0; $parsing = ""; $indent = array(); $unindent = array(); # Hashtable of keywords - maps from keyword to colour. $keywords = array(); # Used for conversion from keyword -> regexp. $keypats = array(); # Which colours to use for each 'level'. $colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple", "gray", "brown"); $stringchars = array(); # Caches for the harvesters. $comcache = ""; $stringcache = ""; # Used by the configuration file, this takes in the first line (which # is used to describe general language traits). function parse_ufile_config($config_line) { $valid_keys = ""; # Keywords that can be used in 'Foo = Bar' context. $valid_keys = "Escape Char|Line Comment Num|Line Comment Alt|Line Comment|Block Comment On|Block Comment Off|Block Comment On Alt|Block Comment Off Alt|String Chars"; # Keywords that should be used on their own. Note that the _LANG # ones are fairly doomed. $valid_keywords = "Notrim|Nocase|Noquote|PERL|HTML_LANG|FORTRAN_LANG|LATEX_LANG"; $done = 0; $out = array(); while (!$done) { $config_line = ltrim($config_line); # bla = bla matched. if (preg_match("/^[s]*(".$valid_keys.")[s]*=(.*)/", $config_line, $matches)) { $key = $matches[1]; $val = $matches[2]; $val = trim($val); } # Single keyword matched. else if (preg_match("/^[s]*(".$valid_keywords.")[s]*(.*)/", $config_line, $matches)) { $out[$matches[1]] = 1; $config_line = $matches[2]; continue; } else { return array(); } # We've got a 'foo = bar' case, so strip out the the string up to the # next valid keyword, and recreate the config line. $reg = "/^(.*?)s*(".$valid_keys."|".$valid_keywords.")(.+)$/"; if (preg_match($reg, $val, $matches)) { $value = $matches[1]; $config_line = $matches[2].$matches[3]; $done = 0; } else { $value = $val; $done = 1; } if (!isset($value)) {$value = 1;} $out[$key] = $value; } return $out; } # Go through the string, highlighting keywords. At the moment this is a bit kludgy, with # 'fwble' (voted least likely to be a keyword :o) being used to act as a placeholder for # 'font' and 'r', 'n' being used for < and > respectively. function munge($tomunge) { global $keypats, $colours, $keywords; $tomunge = str_replace("&gt;", ">", $tomunge); $tomunge = str_replace("&lt;","<", $tomunge); foreach (array_keys($keypats) as $keyobj) { $keyobj = str_replace("/","/",$keyobj); if (preg_match("/".$keyobj."/", $tomunge, $matches)) { $matched = $matches[1]; $color = $colours[(int)($keywords[$matched])-1]; $tomunge = preg_replace("/".$keyobj."/","nfwble="$color"r$matchedn/fontr", $tomunge); } } # Replace all symbols. $tomunge = str_replace(">","&gt;",$tomunge); $tomunge = str_replace("<","&lt;",$tomunge); $tomunge = str_replace("n","<",$tomunge); $tomunge = str_replace("r",">",$tomunge); $tomunge = str_replace("fwble","font color",$tomunge); return $tomunge; } # Takes in a filename of a highlight file, and creates the necessary settings. function psh_parse_file($highlightfile) { global $keywords; global $indent; global $unindent; global $keypats; global $colours; global $config; $filehandle = fopen ($highlightfile, "r") or die("Unable to open syntax file: $!"); while(!feof ($filehandle)) { $parsing = fgets($filehandle, 4096); # Grab language number, name, and config string. if (preg_match("//L([0-9]+)"([^"]*)"(.*)/", $parsing, $matches)) { $lang_num = $matches[1]; $lang_name = $matches[2]; $config = parse_ufile_config($matches[3]); continue; } # Move onto a new colour category. else if (preg_match("/^/C([0-9]+)s*(.*)/", $parsing, $matches)) { $color = $matches[1]; continue; } # Set indenting strings. This nifty reg-exp removes the outer quotes, so # the explode can do its work. else if (preg_match("/^/Indent Stringss*=s*"(.*)"$/", $parsing, $matches)) { $indent = explode("" "", $matches[1]); continue; } # As above, but for unindenting strings. else if (preg_match("/^/Unindent Stringss*=s*"(.*)"$/", $parsing, $matches)) { $unindent = explode("" "", $matches[1]); continue; } # Split any keywords up. $keylist = preg_split("/s+/", $parsing, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach($keylist as $k) { $keywords[$k] = $color; } } fclose($filehandle); $keyword_keys = array_keys($keywords); # Create the regexps for the keywords. 'b' specifies a word boundary. foreach($keyword_keys as $k) { $keypats["b(".preg_quote($k).")b"] = $k; } } # A handy function to find the longest element of the array that is present at the beginning # of the provided string. For example, given an array of 'foo' and 'foot' and the string 'football', # this returns 'foot'. function starts_with($text, $array) { $ml = 0; $curr = ""; foreach($array as $i) { $l = strlen($i); if (substr($text, 0, $l)==$i && ($text[$l]==" " || $l==1 || $text[$l]=="n" || $text[$l]=="t" || $text[$l]=="." || $text[$l]==";" || $l==strlen($text))) { if ($l>$ml) { $curr = $i; $ml = $l; } } } return $curr; } # Load a file and return it as a (big <img draggable="false" class="emoji" alt="????" src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/2.4/svg/1f642.svg"> string. function psh_load_file($filename) { $filehandle = fopen ($filename, "r") or die("Could not open $filename for reading."); $text = fread($filehandle, filesize($filename)); fclose($filehandle); return $text; } # Do the brunt work of highlighting the text. Harvesting can be set through the latter two # arguments. function psh_highlight_text($text, $cachecomments=0, $cachestrings=0) { global $unindent, $indent, $config, $comcache, $stringcache; $text = str_replace(""", """, $text); $text = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $text); $text = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $text); $text = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $text); $inquote = 0; $incomment = 0; $inbcomment = 0; $inwhitespace = 1; # Get the lines. $arr = preg_split("/n/", $text); # Current indent level. $ind = 0; # Retrieve the values from the config. More for readability than anything. $bkc = $config["Block Comment On"]; $bku = $config["Block Comment Off"]; $lnc = $config["Line Comment"]; $esc = preg_quote($config["Escape Char"]); # Store the lengths of the comment strings - saves recalculating them lots. $bkcl = strlen($bkc); $bkul = strlen($bku); $lncl = strlen($lnc); # Create an array of the string characters. $stringchars = array(); for($i=0; $i<strlen($config["String Chars"]); $i++) { array_push($stringchars, $config["String Chars"][$i]); } # Set up flags. 'PERL' ensures $# is not treated as '$<comment>', and Notrim # prevents preceding white-space removal. if (isset($config["PERL"])) $perl = 1; if (isset($config["Notrim"])) $notrim = 1; # Clear the harvest caches. $comcache = ""; $stringcache = ""; # Used to ensure quote matching works <img draggable="false" class="emoji" alt="????" src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/2.4/svg/1f642.svg"> $currquotechar = ""; $begseen = 0; $newline = 0; foreach ($arr as $line) { $inwhitespace = 1; # Close any hanging font tags. if ($incomment) { print "</font>"; } $incomment = 0; # Strip leading and trailing spaces if (!isset($notrim)) $line = trim($line); $lineout = ""; $lineorig = $line; # Print out the current indent. if ($begseen>0 && starts_with($lineorig, $unindent)!="") { $lineout = str_repeat(" ", ($ind-1)); } else { $lineout = str_repeat(" ", $ind); } $ln = strlen($lineorig); for ($j=0; $j<$ln; $j++) { $currchar = $lineorig[$j]; # Handle line comments. This is made slightly faster by going straight to # the next line - as nothing else can be done. if (isset($lnc) && (substr($line, $j, $lncl)==$lnc) && !$inquote && !$incomment && !($perl && $j>0 && $line[$j-1]=="$")) { $line = substr($line, $j); $lineout = munge($lineout); print $lineout; print "<font color='green'>$line"; if ($cachecomments) $comcache .= " ".substr($line, $lncl); $lineout = ""; $incomment = 1; $j = $ln + 1; continue; } # Handle opening block comments. Sadly this can't be done quickly (like with # line comments) as we may have 'foo /* bar */ foo'. if (isset($bkc) && (substr($line, $j, $bkcl)==$bkc) && !$inquote && !$inbcomment) { $lineout = munge($lineout); print $lineout; print "<font color='green'>$bkc"; $lineout = ""; $inbcomment = 1; $j += $bkcl-1; continue; } # Handle closing comments. if (isset($bku) && $inbcomment && (substr($line, $j, $bkul)==$bku)) { $lineout .= "$bku</font>"; print $lineout; $lineout = ""; $inbcomment = 0; $j += $bkul; continue; } # If we're in a comment, skip keyword checking, cache the comments, and go # to the next char. if ($incomment || $inbcomment) { $lineout .= $currchar; if ($newline) { $comcache .= " "; $newline = 0; } if ($cachecomments) $comcache .= $currchar; continue; } # Handle quotes. if (in_array($currchar, (array)$stringchars)) { # In case no escape character is set. if (!isset($esc)) { $esc = ""; } # First quote, so go blue. if (isset($inquote) && !$inquote) { $lineout = munge($lineout); print $lineout; $inquote = 1; if ($cachestrings) $stringcache.=" "; $lineout = $currchar."<font color='blue'>"; $currquotechar = $currchar; } # Last quote, so turn off font colour. else if ($currchar == $currquotechar && $lineorig[$j-1] != $esc) { $inquote = 0; $lineout .= "</font>".$lineorig[$j]; print $lineout; $lineout = ""; $currquotechar = ""; } } # If we've got an indent character, increase the level, and add an indent. else if (!$inquote && ($stri=starts_with(substr($line, $j), $indent))!="") { if (!$inwhitespace) { $lineout .= str_repeat(" ", $ind); } $lineout .= $stri; $ind++; $j += strlen($stri)-1; $begseen++; } # If we've got an unindent (and we are indented), go back a level. else if ($begseen>0 && !$inquote && ($stru=starts_with(substr($line, $j), $unindent))!="") { $begseen--; $ind--; if (!$inwhitespace) { $lineout .= str_repeat(" ", $ind); } $lineout .= $stru; $j += strlen($stru)-1; } # Add the characters to the output, and cache strings. else if (!$inwhitespace || $currchar != " " || $currchar != "t") { if ($inquote) { $stringcache.=$currchar; } $lineout .= $currchar; } } if ($currchar != " " && $currchar != "t") { $inwhitespace = 0; } if (!$incomment && !$inbcomment) { $lineout = munge($lineout); } $lineout .= "n"; print $lineout; $newline = 1; } # If we've finished, and are still in a comment, close the font tag. if ($incomment || $inbcomment) { print "</font>"; } } # A handy function (which could probably be much smaller <img draggable="false" class="emoji" alt="????" src="https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/2.4/svg/1f642.svg"> to take # a hashtable of 'word'->'occurrences' and return a hashtable of # 'occurrences'->(array of words in alphabetical order). function psh_get_sorted_count($unsorted) { $sorted = array(); foreach(array_keys($unsorted) as $k) { $num = $unsorted[$k]; if (!isset($sorted[$num])) $sorted[$num] = array(); array_push ($sorted[$num], $k); } krsort($sorted); foreach(array_keys($sorted) as $k) { $results = $sorted[$k]; sort($results); } return $sorted; } # Produces a hashtable mapping from 'word'->'occurrences'. Also filters out common words, and # any keywords in the language. function psh_filter_words($comstring) { global $keywords; $comstring = trim($comstring); $comout = array(); $wordorder = array(); $comstring = preg_replace ("/[^a-zA-Z ]/", " ", $comstring); $comstring = preg_replace ("/s+/", " ", $comstring); $arr = explode(" ", $comstring); $commonwords = array("the", "and", "this", "that", "you", "then", "when", "who", "why", "what", "how", "with", "are", "may", "she", "him", "her"); foreach($arr as $a) { if (strlen($a)>3 && !in_array($a, $commonwords) && !in_array($a, array_keys($keywords))) { $a = strtolower($a); $comout[$a]++; } } return $comout; } ?>
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