Проверка Структуры Паролей
В редакторе
Проверка Структуры Паролей
2018-12-11 19:53:43
AUTHOR: Joshua Malan
WEBSITE: www.teksfx.com
EMAIL: jmalan@teksfx.com
Password Structure Validation:
$passVer = the password
If there is an error with invalid symbols it will return the details of
that error in a bullited list <ul>
If the password does not meet the spefications it will return an ordered
list <ol> with the description of why it did not meet the specifications.
function checkPassword($passVer){
global $symbolErrors;
global $results;
$invalid_symbols = array(0 => "$",1 => "%",2 => "&");
$valid_symbols = array(0 => "!",1 => "@",2 => "#",3 => "^",4 => "*",5 => "(",6 => ")",7 => "-",
8 => "_",9 => "=",10 => "+",11 => "[",12 => "]",13 => "{",14 => "}",15 => ";",
16 => ":",17 => ",",18 => "<",19 => ">",20 => ".",21 => "/",22 => "~");
$length = strlen($passVer);
if ($length >= 6){
$lengthVerified = true;
} else {
$lengthVerified = false;
$chars[] = substr($passVer, $i, 1);
$symbolErrors = "<ul>";
while(list($key,$val) = each($chars)){
if (in_array($val,$invalid_symbols)){
$symbolErrors .= "<li><span class='defaultBoldRed'>$val</span> is an invalid symbol.</li>";
$invalidSymbol = true;
if (in_array($val,$valid_symbols)){
$validSymbol = true;
if (ereg('[0-9]', $val)){
$numericVerified = true;
if(ereg('[A-Z]', $val)){
$alphaUpVerified = true;
if(ereg('[a-z]', $val)){
$alphaLowVerified = true;
$symbolErrors .= "</ul>";
$results = "<ol>";
if ($lengthVerified == true){
//$results .= "<span class='defaultGreen'>The length check passed</span><br>";
} else {
$results .= "<li><span class='defaultRed'>The length check failed, your password needs to be 6 characters or more.</span><br></li>";
if ($invalidSymbol != true){
//$results .= "<span class='defaultGreen'>The invalid symbol check passed</span><br>";
} else {
$results .= "<li><span class='defaultRed'>The invalid symbol check failed and are mentioned above.</span><br></li>";
if ($validSymbol == true){
//$results .= "<span class='defaultGreen'>The valid symbol check passed</span><br>";
} else {
$results .= "<li><span class='defaultRed'>The valid symbol check failed. You need to have a symbol in your password other than $ % or &.</span><br></li>";
if ($numericVerified == true){
//$results .= "<span class='defaultGreen'>The numeric check passed</span><br>";
} else {
$results .= "<li><span class='defaultRed'>The numeric check failed because you need to have a number in your password.</span><br></li>";
if ($alphaUpVerified == true){
//$results .= "<span class='defaultGreen'>The alpha upper case check passed</span><br>";
} else {
$results .= "<li><span class='defaultRed'>The alpha upper case check failed because you need to have one of the letters capitalized.</span><br></li>";
if ($alphaLowVerified == true){
//$results .= "<span class='defaultGreen'>The alpha lower case check passed</span><br>";
} else {
$results .= "<li><span class='defaultRed'>The alpha lower case check failed because you need a lower case letter.</span><br></li>";
$results .= "</ol>";
<title>Change Password</title>
.default{font:9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#000000;}
.defaultWhite{font:9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#FFFFFF;}
.defaultRed{font:9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#D60000;}
.defaultBlack{font:9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#000000;}
.defaultBlue{font:9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#00529C;}
.defaultGreen{font:9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#006600;}
.defaultOrange{font:9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#DC9306;}
.defaultBold{font:bold 9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#000000;}
.defaultBoldWhite{font:bold 9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#FFFFFF;}
.defaultBoldBlack{font:bold 9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#000000;}
.defaultBoldYellow{font:bold 9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#D60000;}
.defaultBoldBlue{font:bold 9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#00529C;}
.defaultBoldLtBlue{font:bold 9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#EDEFF3;}
.defaultBoldRed{font:bold 9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#D60000;}
.defaultBoldGreen{font:bold 9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#006600;}
.defaultBoldOrange{font:bold 9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#DC9306;}
.defaultBoldGrey{font:bold 9pt Arial,Helvetica,Veranda;color:#888888;}
<body $body>
<form><P> </P>
<table border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' width='400' align='center' bgcolor='#000000'><tr><td>
<table border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' width='400' align='center' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>
<tr class='highlight'>
<td align='center' class='defaultBoldWhite' bgcolor='#00529C'>Please change your password in the box below.</td>
<tr class='noHighlight'>
<td align='center'>
<input type='text' name='passVer' value='$passVer' class='defaultBlue'>
<input type='submit' value='CHANGE' class='defaultBoldBlue'>
<tr class='highlight'>
<td class='defaultBold'>
<P align='center'>Below is the description of the problem with your password.</P>
if (isset($passVer)){
if ($symbolErrors != "<ul></ul>" || $results != "<ol></ol>"){
echo $symbolErrors;
echo $results;
} else {
echo "<center><span class='defaultBoldRed'>Your password acceptable, <a href='../index.html'>Click Here</a> to continue.</span></center>";
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